wild alive
Happy Sunday, bbs.
Every single day is wild being alive. My kid said this yesterday and I have decided to take it as my mantra this week. I think tacking on-ïƒ so let’s just be fucking alive -- to the end of it is working best for me.
Every single day is wild. What happened to you this weekend? Are you prepared for tomorrow? I am not. I like to be so cavalier that as I am going through my weekend, I am aware that I am not close to being on top of things. I love to bake rustic looking cakes from scratch instead of doing work or drink vats of wine instead of being creatively abundant. I like to watch trash television and not work out. I am the worst. But I am also only human. I don’t know how to deal with the wild always. We are all just trying to hold on, I think. Are you? Please text me things on the chat feature. I am here for it. xo
How are you? Tell me things. I went to a yoga nidra tonight and I always think I should quit everything and become a person who teaches this thing. It is half mediation. Half relaxation. Half therapy. Whole wonder. I used to go on about iRest Yoga Nidra a lot of pre-pandemic because it really helped me with grief and loss, and I held it so close to me. I would drag people to it with me. I lost it during Covid. It made me sad.
Anyways, tonight two things helped me.
1.    They talk about your inner resource. It’s like a place of refuge, a safe haven where you feel peaceful and at ease. A sanctuary. For me it is my grandmother’s kitchen table where I ate and wrote and played as a child. This place you create in yoga nidra can get clearer and crisper each time you visit it. I can see every single thing like it was. I am there. It is a true place to go for peace. You should create one too. A place or a person or a memory. It is truly fascinating that this can become a balm. Not just in the practice, but in the world. At Target. During stress. In a car. While resting. Always.
2.    I loved that our teacher was giving us permission this holiday week to just greet all things with curiosity and hospitality. Hi, stress. I see you. Welcome.
Hi, (insert name) I see you, Welcome.
Like, I am into this.
I am going to stay open and acknowledge all the bullshit without freaking out.
JUST SAY HI. I see you. Welcome everything. Be kind to yourself.
We can have calm?
I don’t have a lot in my head this Sunday. We are all about to go into a week that is deeply rooted in gratitude, family and food. Only, it’s not in that order or even those words for everyone. Some people are sad. Scared. Stretched thin. Worried. Let’s try and be easy on all of us. I held a baby today. That was glorious. I am still feeling love from that. Also, it’s my birthday week too. I hope I get love letters. Cake. Candles. I hope we all get some peaceful easy feelings, and everyone likes each other. Xo
Write about the advice you wish you had taken.
Type in Google Search this: words you haven't heard of then use two of them in a poem.
Write a letter to your body. Mail it to yourself. This is powerful. You will forget you did it. You will not recognize your own handwriting for 20 seconds.
Top ten things you desire.
What is something about you that you are grateful for?