Thanks for letting me play with prompts this month. I hope you have been writing. You’re good at it. Don’t forget.
Let’s write about the people who inspire us. Artists you would like to thank. Thank you notes to people who have made you dance, cry or stay alive. Thank you poems to the artists who keep us going when we are low. Sad. Frustrated. Politically furious. Confused. Lost.
Love notes to other humans.
But let’s do artists for this prompt.
There is no right way. Let’s think of letters, poems, signs, essays, songs. Anything.
Are you in? I am sharing an example——> I wrote this a couple years back and read it a show and although it is much better performed live with vavoom and spunk, you can pretend I am reading it out loud to you…
DMing Patti Smith
what do you know about love i shout down the street at you everything gets hard and crispy right before it’s beautiful some old man in kentucky once told me
what the hell i shout at myself in the mirror what do you know about love
love what a drag nobody teaches you
you just get flung out into the love-infested world i saw a woman crying on the street yesterday she was obviously wrecked by love her eyes black make-up beautiful what did she know what a drag wouldn’t it be nice if we just stayed all neat and orderly with love
i am at the most chaotic place i’ve ever been with this heart of mine if we were to take our hearts out rip them dramatically from our chests and hold them up to one another mine would beat so fast and find a way to fall from my grasp and limp to you and try and get into your arms stupid fing heart what do you know about love it is not tidy and another thing is what you think could be happening is exactly what is happening
that is the thing it always is
what do you even know but yeah my heart tho is glistening absolutely golden with love the day i was born my mother whispered in my ear this is what is going to happen
will be a human
who understands love
it is not scientifically notated but i have my suspicions that the first things that someone whispers in your tiny baby ear are the words that become spells and they follow us around till we die and
at that moment my beautiful mother she held me like a present and she felt my small little heart bomb tick holler and scream
and she knew what to say because we do know some things to say before we grow all the way up
and wreck it all
what do you know about love i sing song through the carwash while lou reed tells me his dirty secrets i am tempted to exit my vehicle and see if it will kill me to be in a carwash without a car like a baptism or something horrible this way goes who knows
i could try and run through it i could hold my breath
you cannot kill yourself from holding your breath
you will pass out that is a fact i like to pass out from being very tired or drunk because then i can stop thinking about love but sometimes you come into my dreams and say
get into the car loser we’re going to find everything
do you want to go to a magic show
do you want to listen to records
would you like it if the love was not sharp edged not wild hot tongued wet mouth antics but without that flashy
je nes quoi
you would only ever be worried about money or your health or about murder hornets or toxic creek beds or household projects
not ever be bothered with this beautiful, fantastic energy that makes it worth waking up this light
sometimes i dm patti smith on instagram
she never reads them but i feel better telling her things like maybe she is a sherpa an oracle
a tunnel to enlightenment
god i love her
it was the early summer of 2018 when she appeared like goddess rising from the sea into the social media platform we are all addicted to
dms: june 21 2018 patti, i love you/august 25 sometimes my poems want to be about you and you have moved and shifted things in my art/august 26 heart emoji heart emoji heart emoji/march 12 i am reading your book to my son heart emoji/november 16 here is a list of things i do to distract me from my heavy heart, patti/dec 30 happy birthday patti smith/febuary 11 i love patti/october 26
you are such a force for good in the world
heart emoji star emoji heart emoji lightning bolt emoji
and lately i’ve been telling her about love or asking her about it i think she should have an advice column for the new york times it would be the next modern love
patti says/thoughts from patti/listen up kids/because the love
what does she know about love
a lot i think
we all actually do if i’m true and honest and at the very softest frayed edges of myself it’s just hard to know things when all you do is feel them
maybe i am in the extra crispy part of later beautiful right now
and if i stop shouting i could know that
and you from across the room you shake your head and wonder what you will ever do with me
reddit says it is not advisable to go thru the carwash sans car sometimes people lie and show off on reddit but i do think that they are quite sensible on this particular thread i think it is too risky even with satellite of love blaring absolutely blaring from the empty car behind me it could be protection maybe what about all the things that could be /are becoming write them down and send them to patti smith
So, what about we do a zoom where we bring something that we’ve created/birthed/journaled about recently to SHARE? Like a bb open zoom mic?
Please come. Can you let me know in the comments that you will?
We will have fun. Plus, I will give you one new prompt. xo
Here is your invite to the free zoom:
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Some know love from the start, some forget forever, some remember again, some set the goal, they check the boxes, some have love without giving it much thought, they just love.
Love is often frightening, almost always confusing. Look around, look at the people, each of them, all of us, we'll lose something we love, we'll lose everything we love, it all changes, nothing stays. Isn't this enough reason to be kind? Kindness is love, now.