Notebook Month #18-21
Hi. Sunday scary levels are high. I hope you are ok! <3
I’m planning to be fashionable this last (full) week of January.
This means my bedroom looks like a tornado. What is your style?
Can you define it for me? I would love to know. I feel like I have lost touch with mine.
Or I’m unable to define it at present. Please leave a comment and try. I’m super interested in how we define our personal styles. I think what I’ve been thinking about it how a lot of people look alike lately. I blame TikTok. I have a Stanley cup tho, I’m part of the problem. I want to state that I have had a Stanley thermos since the 90s.
Anyways, just thinking about style.
Grace Jones at the “A View to a Kill” press photo call in 1985.
Credit...Steve Rapport/Getty Images - NYTimes article here.
ALSO——> valentine’s go out to paid subscribers and I need your mailing addresses!
Send here: or reply to this newsletter. xo
Inner Resources
In Yoga Nidra they talk about your Inner Resource. Your Inner Resource is a safe place you create and go inside of yourself where you feel at ease, peaceful and calm. It can be a real place or a made-up place. You can grow and cultivate it with practice. It can become quite magical and very grounding and real. It can serve you beyond the yoga experience, take it with you. Use the strong visualization practice when you are scared or stressed or anxious. It works. I love that my inner resource always starts at the old Formica kitchen table of my grandmother’s kitchen. I have not been there for 15 years, but it is real, and I can feel the smooth cold of the table instantly. I can hear the radio and smell the tea. It is such a comfort. Please create your inner resource. Start writing and thinking and see where you can go. <3
Describe the colors of winter. From the stark white snow to the brown, dead leaves. Try and write a piece that walks along with winter, noticing these colors and maybe having a conversation with winter.
Steal the words
Copy down a conversation. At the coffeeshop or at the doctor’s office or the bank. Write down some snippets of what you overhear. Then later, write about it two ways. Continue the conversation for a page or write a small piece using one of the things you wrote down as a title.
Sundays are for….
and You feel like….
Just finish one of them. Go for 10 minutes.
Sunday Supper for Feb with free zoom announcement soon.
& OPEN MIC night is coming! You are gonna have a great Monday.