My mother had the very tip of her finger bitten off by a bunny when she was a little girl
but she always had boss ass nails so nobody knew
It is the first Easter ever that I did not make a fuss. There are no baskets or chocolates or dinners or eggs. I am recuperating from a procedure in my recliner. I am fine. There is nothing to be worried about. At all. I always worry about others. Please do not. I am like, spoiled with care. This red leather recliner is the same recliner that I purchased for my dad when he was recovering at our house after the car accident. I think about how he just sat here all reclined, broken, and frail-looking and how time stood still. Now he is on his tractor today in the thick southeastern Ohio hills and he just called me from his Apple watch to say that he was gonna ride his 4-wheeler up to the neighbor’s house for Easter ham. You go, dad.
I sent out the postcards to those of you who wanted a reminder of your short-term goals. I hope you got them, and you were reminded of the things in your life that you want. I hope you felt loved for a moment when you held the card. I wanted that for you. It’s so important to say out loud what we want. What we expect from ourselves. I have been practicing that too.
I am going to announce some more workshops and a retreat when I am back to normal. I hope you will join in on what sounds supportive to you. I want to say that some of the feedback I always get is what a good matchmaker I am with writing buddies/friends. From strangers to <3.
If you would like to be matched with a writing buddy/accountability pen pal… please