I was walking with my daughter dog on Sunday, and this thought kept banging around in my mind. Corporate world… you won’t. Corporate job… you won’t. You can’t hurt me… like a song lyric or something. I often feel the Sunday scaries, and nothing I do seems to change it, so I try to change the way I think about it. People often say that if you dread going into work, you should find a new job. I don’t really feel that way, especially since I’m in charge of most everything $ and the medical insurance for my children. I worry so much about losing my job. I worry so much about everything. I should really worry for a living. But I do love the people I work with, and sometimes I have work that feels so good, that means something to the world. Sometimes. And sometimes, you just must find a way to stay put and make it work. The work we do can be joyful, or it can be just work, and then we find our joy elsewhere. I would love to be a full-time artist, but for now, I just think of quirky shit about the corporate world. Working on a poem, maybe—I'm not sure. Or could this be a lyrical song that I sing in the concrete parking garage or a slack message to my actual beloved boss.
Corporate job,
you can’t have me
on a Sunday at 3:23 pm
when my tank top has slipped from my shoulder